Monday, June 24, 2013

"Virgin Lips"

Ever get made fun of for being "VL"?  Ever get told you're the "only one"? Ever get those confused expressions and blank stares as you try to explain? You're not the only one who believes in saving your kisses.  The prophets are on your side!!!

Melvin J. Ballard(Quorum of the Twelve)

The sacredness of the kiss and affectionate relationships belong only to the engaged and married state, and ought not to be indulged in by those who are only seeking the thrill of the moment. (Conference Report, April 1929, 67)

Melvin J. Ballard (Quorum of the Twelve)

It has come to be a sort of custom among many young people (I regret to say even among us), that they feel at liberty to promiscuously engage in embracing and kissing each other when there is no thought of anything serious so far as engagement or marriage is concerned—only the thrill they get. I protest against it and say to you that there is danger in it, and that the fire will burn those who play with it. (Conference Report, April 1929, 67)

Spencer W. Kimball (President)
Even if timely courtship justifies the kiss it should be a clean, decent, sexless one like the kiss between mother and son, or father and daughter. (The Teachings of Spencer W. Kimball, 281)

Spencer W. Kimball (President)

If our young people would avoid the pitfalls they would be firm in principle.... Kissing would be saved at least until [the] later hallowed courtship days when they could be free from sex and have holy meaning. (The Miracle of Forgiveness, 213)

James E. Faust (First Presidency)

We must wait for the proper season in life to use some sacred gifts; we must prepare for that season. I did not kiss my wife until we were engaged to be married.  (CES Fireside for Young Adults, 8 Sept. 2002)

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